Sunday, April 24, 2011

Peeps Show

There is a long history of my infatuation with peeps, particularly the yellow bunnies.  These folks took it a step further and made peep dioramas.  I love clicking through them each year to see what people come up with.  2010 was so much better than 2011.  Here's the link.

This is their winner from 2010, entitled "Eep."
For their winning diorama based on the Pixar flick "Up," Michael Chirlin and Veronica Ettle of Arlington constructed a miniature Victorian house from plywood and Popsicle sticks, and placed it atop salvaged mattress springs to give it an airborne quality. Up ," Michael Chirlin and Veronica Ettle of Arlington constructed a miniature Victorian house from plywood and Popsicle sticks, and placed it atop salvaged mattress springs to give it an airborne quality.


Not my pillow, but imagine my excitement when running across this guy!
 Happy Easter!

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